Monday, December 22, 2014


Hello Readers!

I've decided that for now I'm going to try to blog every Monday. It's arbitrary. I don't hate Mondays like some. The weekend is more stressful for me because everybody's home. The Husband starts his vacation in a couple days, and won't go back to work until early next year. I am glad to see him more, but being the introvert I am it will be difficult to unwind with everyone about.

Enough of that personal stuff. I've been writing a little more, struggling with worldbuilding and plotting a new story, working title of World Striders, or maybe just Worldstriders. That's not actually going to be the title, but it's the name of the universe in which the story takes place. My goal is to have a loose plot by next blog and possibly have started the meat of writing the novel itself. I'm going to set myself some word count and timed writing goals for that, probably half an hour and 800 words. Not that I necessarily expect to always write 800 words in half an hour, just that I don't want to be stopping every five seconds to count words, so a time goal seems appropriate.

I am on page 173 of Seven Wonders by Adam Christopher. It's been a bit harder to get into than the other books I've read these past couple weeks. Part of it is the length; it's easier to get through 200 so so pages than 400.  Part of it is that I've been unable to find a sympathetic character. I feel like the book itself, the author, is trying to guide me through the story and that makes me feel lost. I will try to finish it up and write a proper review in the next few days, though with Christmas and such it will be difficult.

Thanks for reading, and Merry Christmas!

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